Data Collection & Privacy Policy 

This Privacy Policy sets out how and its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Geeks town,” “we,” “us” or “our”) use and protect any personal information we collect when you use our website or purchase any of our products. We reserve the right to make changes to this Policy from time to time. 

Information Collection 

Information you provide to us. 

We collect information you provide to us directly on or via our website, such as your email address when you subscribe to our email list, your name and email address when you register an account with us, and your payment information, address, and telephone number when you purchase our products.  

Information collected automatically. 

When you visit our website, we may use certain technologies to automatically collect some of your data like equipment details, browsing actions and other user patterns. This may include information about your device and browser type, your operating software, your internet service provider, your device’s regional and language settings, and other similar information. This data may include IP address, MAC address, and other device identifiers. 

When you are logged in to your account, tracking technologies allow us to connect your website activity to your account. See Use of Cookies below for more information on how we use cookies.  

Use of Information 

We use information that we collect about you or that you provide to us, including any personal information: 

  • To provide you with information, products, or services that you request from us. 
  • To fulfil customer service purposes or any other service related requests. 
  • If you have an account with Geeks town, to provide you with newsletters and other updates. 
  • To carry out our roles and duties and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including for billing and collection. 
  • For any other purpose with your consent. 

We may also use your information to contact you about our products and services. If you do not want us to use your information in this way, you may unsubscribe our emails, or let us know at 

Sharing of Information  

  • Service Providers. We take the help of service providers to perform business functions on our behalf. We share personal information we collect with our service providers. Service providers assist us with features such as payment processing, data analytics, marketing and promotional services, website hosting, and technical support. Service Providers are prohibited from using your information for any purpose other than to provide this assistance, although we may permit them to use aggregate information which does not identify you or de-identified data for other purposes. 
  • Advertising and Analytics Providers. In addition to service providers, we may share some personal information about our online customers with certain third party ad networks and data analytics providers for business and commercial purposes. 
  • Affiliates. We may share your information with our related entities, including our parent and sister companies. For example, we may share your information with our affiliates for customer support, marketing and technical operations. 
  • Business Partners. We may share your information with our business partners in connection with offering you co-branded services, selling or distributing our products, or engaging in joint marketing activities.  

Use of Cookies 

This site uses cookies, which are small data files placed in your browser by our website. We use first-party cookies to create a better experience for you while you use our website. For example, cookies remember you and prevent you from having to repeatedly login, and they help our website remember the items you’ve added to your cart. These cookies expire after a period of time. 

We also allow third party cookies on our website. These cookies are placed there by third parties and are used for analytics and advertising purposes. You can control the use of cookies through your browser settings. 

How We Protect Your Information 

The security of your personal information is important to us. Geeks town has implemented various security features to help prevent any unauthorized release of personal information. Our features include technical and physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store personal data.  When you enter sensitive information (such as credit card number and/or social security number) on our registration or order forms, we encrypt that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL). Be advised that while Geeks town has endeavoured to make a secure reliable Site for its users, the privacy and confidentiality of communications transmitted to/from Geeks town via this Site or through email cannot be guaranteed. As such, Geeks town is not held responsible for the security of any data transmitted via the Internet to/from our website. 

The security of your account also depends on keeping your account password confidential and you should not share your account name or password with anyone. If you do share your account information with a third party, they will have access to your account and your personal information. 

Updating Your Personal Information 

You have the ability to edit or update your personal information held on this site. You may do so by logging into your profile and changing any user information stored on file there. To the extent that such information is stored in our databases, we will respond to your changes as soon as reasonably possible. Please note that although you may delete this information from your profile, the information may remain stored indefinitely in our backup and archival records.  While your personal information is protected as outlined above, we reserve the right to use, transfer, sell, and share aggregated, anonymous data about our users as a group for any business purpose, such as analyzing usage trends and seeking compatible advertisers and partners. 

Third Party Links 

Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party products or services on our site. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our Site and welcome any feedback about these sites. 

Changes to This Policy 

Please note that this Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will post any Policy changes on this page. Each version of this Policy will be identified at the top of the page by its last updated date.